parses the string in URL::Complete which should contain
a syntactically complete URL.
The implementation is allowed to correct minor failures in URL::Complete
if the meaning of the URL remain unchanged. Parts of the URL are stored in the other
fields of aURL.
Parameter aURL
the URL which include the complete string notation and will contain
all parsed parts of it after finishing this call. URL::Complete
can be overwritten if the implementation corrected minor failures.
true if parsing was successfully (means if given URL was syntactically correct)
or false otherwhise.
parses the string in URL::Complete, which may contain
a syntactically complete URL or is specified by the provided protocol
The implementation can use smart functions to correct or interpret
URL::Complete if it is not a syntactically complete URL.
The parts of the URL are stored in the other fields of aURL.
Parameter aURL
the URL which include the string notation and will contain
all parsed parts of it after finishing this call. This includes
Parameter sSmartProtocol
optional information which protocol specification should be used to parse
memberURL::Complete. If empty the implementation can use a
protocol which fit best.
true if parsing was successful (means if URL::Complete could
be syntactically correct) or false otherwise.
assembles the parts of the URL specified by aURL and
stores it into URL::Complete
Parameter aURL
the URL which contains alls neccessary information in a structured form. The
member URL::Complete contains the URL in string notation after
the operation finished successfully. Otherwise the content of URL::complete
is not defined.
true if assembling was successfully or false otherwise.
returns a representation of the URL for UI purposes only
Sometimes it can be usefull to show an URL on an user interface
in a more "human readable" form. Such URL can't be used on any API
call, but make it easier for the user to understand it.
Parameter aURL
URL in structured form which should be shown at the UI
Parameter bWithPassword
specifies whether the password will be included in the encoding
or not. Usually passwords should never be shown at the user
a string representing the aURL if it is syntactically correct. A empty string if aURL
is not syntactically correct.